Unlock the Formula for a Stress-Free Denver Move with Kids

Unlock the Formula for a Stress-Free Denver Move with Kids

Moving to Denver with your family is exciting. The idea of starting fresh in a new city is appealing. However, moving with young children can have its challenges. There's a lot to handle: packing, helping kids adjust, and setting up new routines in your new place. Besides, a big part of the stress comes from selling your old home while looking for and buying a new one. Managing all these changes can be tough, which is why moving is considered one of the top five most stressful life events.

Traditional Moving Hurdles

1. Securing Your New Home:

  • Denver’s housing market is competitive, making it challenging to lock down your dream home. Adding contingencies like selling your current home can heighten the stress. For parents, this spells an extended period of uncertainty, unsettling for both children and pets, who may pick up on the tension.

2. Selling Your Present Home:

  • Prepping your home for viewings amid a bustling family life is no small feat. Maintaining a tidy, staged home while kids and pets are at play can feel like an uphill battle. This hectic scenario can spark anxiety and disrupt daily routines, crucial for maintaining a sense of security for children and pets.

3. The Actual Relocation:

  • The financial aspect of moving can be costly. Expenses like short-term rentals, storage units for your belongings, and dining out (due to lack of immediate access to a fully equipped kitchen) can add up quickly. Additionally, the physical act of moving can be draining and unsettling, particularly for kids and pets who might find the new environment stressful.

Each stage of the traditional moving process unveils unique challenges that can heighten stress levels, making the transition far from smooth.

A child playing with colorful blocks

Your Relocation Simplified with NAF Cash

The solution to a complicated move is simplified with NAF Cash, a service tailored to alleviate the financial pain points of relocating. It empowers you to purchase your new home swiftly, even before you've sold your old one. This makes the moving process less stressful and more straightforward.

Unlock A Stress-Free Move with NAF Cash

Relocating is costly, and managing finances during this period can be challenging, especially with children. NAF Cash is a service that can help with this, making the move to your new home less stressful. Here’s how NAF Cash operates:

  1. Preapproval: Kickstart your home search by getting preapproved.
  2. Cash Offer: NAF Cash extends an all-cash offer for your chosen home, speeding up the buying process by dodging contingencies.
  3. Home Purchase: NAF Cash acquires the home for you once the offer is accepted.
  4. Move-In: Transition into your new home is a massive relief, especially with children.
  5. Buyback: After selling your old house, buy your new home back from NAF Cash, paying a rental fee for the interim.

NAF Cash Process

Traditional moving can be hectic, especially with last-minute showings with a family, but NAF Cash simplifies this, allowing a quick transition to your new home without the hassle. Cash buyers, making up roughly 27% of buyers, often secure homes quickly and at lower prices, potentially saving around 11%. On the selling side, studies show staged homes tend to sell more and faster, with even virtual staging as a cost-effective alternative. Using NAF Cash alleviates the financial stress of moving, enabling you to focus on settling your family into the new Denver area.

Making the Move: The Garcia Family's Experience with NAF Cash

Henry Russell

Let's talk about Erica Garcia's family's journey. They recently took a significant step by relocating from sunny Florida to the scenic city of Littleton, Colorado. What prompted this move? It was Erica's career at Lockheed. Before the move, she juggled a demanding monthly commute between Florida and Colorado. To streamline their lives and embrace new opportunities, the Garcias decided to make Littleton their new home base. The solution came from Henry Russell, an experienced Senior Loan Officer at New American Funding, an affiliated company of NAF Cash.

Here's how NAF Cash helped the Garcia family:

  • Fast Home Purchase: through NAF Cash, the Garcias bought their dream house in Littleton, Colorado.
  • Renting the New Home: the program let them rent the new home while they were selling the old one. This gave them time to move, clean, and list the old house without feeling rushed.
  • Quick Move-In: the Garcias moved into their new home just a week after buying it.
  • Selling the Old Home: they sold their old house in Florida within 30 days while living in the new one.


The NAF Cash Program gave the Garcias two months to sell their old home while living in the new one. This made things less stressful for them. The story of the Garcia family shows how the NAF Cash Program can help make moving easier, especially when there are urgent reasons to move.

Turning Moving Hurdles into Smooth Sails

Moving to Denver with your family can be both exciting and stressful. Finding and moving into a new home while selling the old one can bring many challenges, especially with kids involved. The NAF Cash Program, as seen through the Garcia family's experience, offers a practical solution to ease the financial and logistical hurdles of relocating. With a program like NAF Cash and the guidance of experienced professionals like Henry Russell, moving becomes a much simpler task, allowing families to focus more on enjoying their new beginning in Denver.

A person and person holding hands and holding a child

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