The key to a quick, happy closing? Cash.

Cash buyers have the advantage - from getting their offers accepted to moving into their dream homes faster. Cash buyers can save big too. In fact, 27% of buyers are cash buyers*, and they may be able to pay about 11% less**. Best of all, with NAF Cash, you don't need to sell your current home first.

Get your buyers' offers accepted, close more homes more quickly, save time and money. Sign up today to become NAF Cash certified.

cash offer for home

Partner With Us

agent with shaking hand with client

Clients Can Save and Win

Help your clients potentially win and save with an all-cash offer. 27% of buyers are cash buyers*, and they may be able to pay about 11% less**.

a couple with their couch jumping daughter

Close Fast with Cash

Close more homes more quickly.

Extend an All-Cash Offer and Win

Get your buyers’ offers accepted, close more homes more quickly, save time and money.
Here’s how it works.

A Gamechanger for You and Your Buyers

couple on the floor with their baby playing on a laptop

Hassle Free

Make a competitive offer with no contingencies.

woman on a laptop

Close Fast with Cash

Get the offer accepted and potentially save with cash.

man typing into his laptop

Win in Today's Market

Close more homes more quickly with cash.

NAF Cash Benefits

  • No fees for agents
  • No sacrificing commissions
  • Close more homes more quickly
  • Potentially save buyers money

NAF Cash Process

We are a team dedicated to helping you close more homes and help your buyer get the home they want. We are committed to serving the needs of both you and your buyer.

Step 1: Get NAF Cash Certified

Call us today!

Step 2: Pre-Approval

Get your clients pre-approved through your loan officer.

Step 3: Find Your Buyer's Dream Home

Once your client is pre-approved, it's time to start shopping for your buyer's dream home.

Step 4: Make a Cash Offer

Once you find a perfect home, it's time to make a cash offer.

Step 5: NAF Cash Purchases Home with Cash

NAF Cash will purchase your buyer's home with cash and sell it back to them.

Step 6: Buyer Moves into their New Home

Buyer can move into their new home upon close. NAF Cash sells the home back to the buyer.

Step 7: NAF Cash Sells the Home Back to the Buyer

NAF Cash will sell the home back to your buyer through lender financing.

What People Are Saying About NAF Cash

Don't Wait. Get Started Today!

  • Prompt Reply
  • No Cost, No Obligation
  • Nationwide Agents