coastal town

Moving to Barnstable Town with Kids Could be Easier: Learn the Steps

Moving to the Cape Cod Area with your family is a big deal. It's exciting to think about a new home in Barnstable Town. Yet moving, especially with young kids, can be challenging. There's a lot to do, such as keeping your home ready for showings, selling it, buying a new one, and making sure the move goes smoothly. Unfortunately, many things will be out of your control, and when timing is everything can cause a lot of stress. It's no surprise that moving is one of the top stressful things people go through. The aim of this guide is to simplify the move for everyone.

father and sons playing on the couch in the living room

  • Find your dream home and try to secure the deal despite competition, and contingencies such as the sale of your previous home.
  • Sell your current home while still living in it with your kids and or pets.
  • Move to the new home without spending extra on short-term rentals, storage, or eating out because you don’t have access to a full kitchen—those costs can add up fast with a family!

home for sale

NAF Cash is a service that helps with the money part of moving. It allows you to buy your new home quickly, even before you sell your old one. This makes moving less stressful and more straightforward.

Here's a simple breakdown of how NAF Cash works:

  • Cash Offer: NAF Cash makes a cash offer for your dream home, which can make closing faster by avoiding delays and contingencies.
  • Home Purchase: Once the offer is accepted, NAF Cash buys the home for you.
  • Move-In: Move into your new home, is a big relief, especially with kids.
  • Buyback: After selling your old house, you buy your new home back from NAF Cash. You'll pay a rental fee to NAF Cash for the time you lived in the new home before buying it back.

The NAF Cash Process diagram

Using the Power of All-Cash Offers

Cash buyers have an advantage in any market. They can get the home they want quickly and might even pay less. In fact, about  27% of buyers today use cash and might save around 11%. Instead of competing against cash offers, you can use NAF Cash to back you with an all-cash offer without having the full amount for the new home upfront. Cash offers aren't just for investors or those with a lot of home equity anymore; now you too can make a strong offer and get the home you want.

Not only can you save money when buying, but if you have a home to sell, you could potentially make more money on that sale too. Research shows that staged homes often sell for more and they sell faster. Virtual home staging is a cost-effective option that can save you money. Many buyers are willing to pay more for staged homes. With NAF Cash, the financial stress of moving is reduced, letting you focus more on settling your family into Barnstable Town.

real estate agent showing a house to clients

Now that you know how NAF Cash can make moving easier, especially with kids, let's look at when this service is really helpful. NAF Cash isn't for everyone; it's best for certain situations that can make moving tough. Here are three scenarios where NAF Cash can really make a difference:

Top Three Scenarios Where NAF Cash Shines

Interstate Relocation:

  • Perfect for those moving state-to-state, making NAF Cash a top choice.
  • Eases the financial hurdles of interstate moves for a smoother transition.

Inability to Qualify for Two Payments:

  • Ideal for buyers who can't qualify for two payments, making NAF Cash a beneficial option.
  • Provides financial support and flexibility when handling multiple payments isn’t feasible.

Desire for Maximum Leverage in Multiple Offer Situations:

  • Great for buyers in multiple offer scenarios, providing a competitive edge.
  • Enhances the offer, making it stand out in a crowded market.
  • With a 90-day window from the time of purchasing the next home, there's more flexibility - no rush to accept the first offer, more time for open houses, and less back-and-forth. This flexibility could lead to a better selling price for the old home, and a lower offer on the new home since it's an all-cash offer.

family in a car together

Moving to Barnstable Town with your family is a big step, and it should be exciting, not stressful. With the help of NAF Cash, you can tackle the financial hurdles of moving more easily. This guide has shown you how to make the process smoother and what situations NAF Cash works best for. Now, you are better prepared for the journey ahead. As you plan your move, remember the benefits of using NAF Cash to make your transition to a new home in Barnstable Town simpler and more straightforward. Your new adventure is just around the corner.

family on a stroll on a pier

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