Florida to Rocky Mountains

Florida to Rockies: Unveiling the Garcia Family's Smooth Strategy for Relocation

Facing the Big Move

Littleton, Colorado— Moving homes is tough, especially if you're leaving one state for another. That's what Erica Garcia and her family from Florida faced when they decided to move to Littleton, Colorado. It wasn't just about packing boxes and saying goodbye; they had to sell their old house and find a new one fast. "We needed a quick turnaround to lock in our next home, while still figuring out how to sell our old one," said Erica, describing their challenge.

The Garcias were not just moving but in a race against time. Selling a house in Florida while trying to buy another in Colorado put much pressure on them. They needed someone who could help them sort it all out.

Help Arrives Just in Time

That help came from Henry and Nicole, two professionals who understood exactly what the Garcias needed. They introduced Erica to a special service called NAF Cash. They showed her how the program could buy the new house in Colorado for them, letting the Garcias move in and rent it while their old house in Florida was still being sold.

"Henry jumped right on it and offered us a cash-buy option, allowing us to secure our new home and rent while we moved out of our old one, giving us time to effectively move out, clean, and list without chaotic in-home showings," Erica explained.

The Game-Changing NAF Cash Option

This cash-buy option was a big deal for the Garcias. It meant they had two months to sell their Florida house without worrying about where they would live. Erica said, "The cash-buy option allowed us two whole months to sell our old property while living in our new one without the stress of contract contingencies.” Erica explained. They could live in the new house, get their old house ready to sell, and not rush anything.

A Smooth Transition

Finally, everything came together. The Garcias sold their house in Florida and used that money to buy the Colorado house. "We got to live in our new home as renters, sell our Florida home, and then comfortably buy our new home with the Florida home equity," said Erica. She was very thankful for the help they got from Henry and Nicole, who made it all happen.

A moving truck with a ramp

From Experience to Advice

Now, Erica tells other people about this program. She says it's great for anyone who needs to sell their old house before they can buy a new one. "I highly recommend it to anyone who is relying on equity of a sale to buy their new home, but the timing just isn’t on their side. This allowed us so much more flexibility!" she shared.

I highly recommend it to anyone who is relying on equity of a sale to buy their new home, but the timing just isn’t on their side. This allowed us so much more flexibility!" she shared.

NAF Cash: Simplifying the Homebuying Journey

NAF Cash helps homebuyers like the Garcia’s by making financial steps easier.

Securing Preapproval: It starts with understanding your budget. Preapproval sets the stage for a successful house hunt.

Making a Competitive Cash Offer: Cash is king in today's market. NAF Cash can make an offer on your behalf, making it more attractive.

Completing Your Home Purchase: Once your offer is accepted, NAF Cash completes the purchase, letting you move forward confidently.

Streamlining the Move-In Process: You can move into your new home sooner, avoiding temporary housing, additional moving costs, or unplanned showings.

Flexible Buyback Option: After selling your old home, you can buy back your new one from NAF Cash, providing a smooth transition.

NAF Cycle

Wrapping Up: The Garcia Family's New Chapter in Colorado

As the Garcia family settles into their new life in Littleton, Colorado, their story remains a testament to overcoming relocation challenges with the right support. With the aid of NAF Cash and the dedicated assistance of professionals like Henry and Nicole, they transformed a stressful situation into a seamless and successful transition.

"Thanks again Henry and Nicole! So happy we found your company and this incredibly unique loan option! Also, bonus, we got to use our VA Loan. Triple win!" Erica shared with gratitude, reflecting on their journey.

The Garcias' journey underscores the value of expert assistance and innovative solutions in turning relocation challenges into successful new starts.

A group of people riding bikes on a trail

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