Fort Collins neighborhood

Say No to Homebuying Contingencies in Fort Collins

Welcome to Fort Collins, the heart of Colorado! This vibrant city, full of life and set against a backdrop of breathtaking landscapes, is a place many would want to call home. Fort Collins has the lowest median home sale price compared to other major Colorado cities, such as Denver and Boulder. It's no wonder that the area has become increasingly popular, expensive, and now very competitive. With its relatively low median home sale price, it's no surprise that Fort Collins has become a popular destination for many despite the competitive market.


The Fort Collins Real Estate Market

With the current high interest rates, many homeowners are choosing to hold onto their properties, leaving those who want to be residents in a challenging position to make their offer stand out among multiple bids for their dream home. Buyers feel the pressure to act quickly, while on the other end, sellers are eager to finalize sales with as much certainty and speed as possible. This urgency often leads to dismissing offers contingent on financing or selling the buyer's current home in favor of all-cash offers, even if they are slightly below the asking price. One potential barrier is the usage of contingencies.

When you have two offers, one being an all-cash offer, a little below your asking price, compared to an offer that is higher but contingent on financing and contingent on the buyer first being able to sell their own home, what tends to happen is the owner will go with the certainty of the cash offer. Cash is king.

Avoiding Home Buying Contingencies with an All-Cash Offer

When purchasing a home, there are several contingencies that buyers often include in their offers. These contingencies are conditions that must be met before the sale can proceed, and they provide a way for the buyer to back out of the contract without facing legal consequences if certain conditions are not met. However, contingencies can make an offer less attractive to sellers in a competitive market. Two common contingencies that can be avoided with an all-cash offer are the finance contingency and the home sale contingency.

Finance Contingency:

A finance contingency is a condition that the purchase is subject to the buyer obtaining a mortgage. This contingency protects the buyer in case they cannot secure financing for the purchase. However, it also introduces uncertainty for the seller, as there is a risk that the buyer will not be able to secure a mortgage and the deal will fall through. With an all-cash offer, there is no need for a finance contingency because the buyer is not relying on mortgage financing to complete the purchase. This removes a significant layer of uncertainty for the seller and makes the offer more attractive.

Home Sale Contingency:

A home sale contingency is a condition that the purchase is subject to the sale of the buyer's current home. This contingency protects the buyer in case they cannot sell their current home, as it allows them to back out of the purchase without facing legal consequences. However, it introduces another layer of uncertainty for the seller, as there is a risk that the buyer's home will not sell in time and the deal will fall through. With an all-cash offer, the buyer does not need to rely on the sale of their current home to fund the purchase, so there is no need for a home sale contingency. This makes the offer more straightforward and attractive to the seller.

By making an all-cash offer and avoiding these common contingencies, buyers can make their offers more attractive to sellers, increasing their chances of securing their dream home in a competitive market.

Navigating the Fort Collins Market

As of July 2023, the median sale price in Fort Collins was $566,875. Despite only 147 new listings, 28.2% of homes sold above the listing price, while surprisingly, 25.4% sold below. Home prices continue to rise, with a 5.4% increase from the previous year, but the market is showing signs of slowing down. Buyers are becoming more selective and evaluating their options carefully. This selectivity has led to an interesting trend: many homes sell above and below the listed price. This trend underscores the importance of presenting a strong and attractive offer, as it can make all the difference in a market where prices fluctuate, and competition is high.

The Rise of All-Cash Offers

Since October 2022, there has been a surge in all-cash purchases, with over a quarter of homebuyers opting for this approach to bypass higher interest rates. This shift, initiated during the pandemic, saw individuals from densely populated areas with high equity migrating to less dense regions and making offers without contingencies. Predominantly, these all-cash offers came from Baby Boomers and Gen X, who typically have more home equity.

However, for younger and older millennials, cash-only deals remain rare. So, how can they compete in a multi-bid situation against all-cash offers with no contingencies? The answer lies in services like NAF Cash, which supports an all-cash offer, allowing you to move in immediately and pay a prorated rent until you sell your existing property or are ready to buy the house back from NAF Cash. It's a win-win for both buyer and seller and a fantastic opportunity to secure your dream home in this competitive market.

Unlock the Power of All-Cash Offers with NAF Cash

"Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or an experienced one, NAF Cash empowers you to confidently navigate the Fort Collins real estate market and secure your dream home."

NAF Cash is a game-changer in the competitive Fort Collins real estate market. It enables you to present an all-cash offer without having the entire cash sum upfront, making your bid more attractive to sellers and expediting the closing process. NAF Cash purchases the home upfront with cash on behalf of the buyer. The buyer then secures permanent financing, and NAF Cash sells the property back to the buyer at its original price plus a small service fee. This approach not only gives homebuyers a competitive edge but is also preferred by sellers for its convenience and certainty. With NAF Cash, there are no financing contingencies, and you can close on a home more quickly, getting you settled into your dream home faster.

Benefits of NAF Cash:

  • Enhanced Buying Power: Make your all-cash offers stand out by waiving financing and home sale contingencies.
  • Faster Closing: Eliminate the need for mortgage approval, speeding up the closing process.
  • Flexibility: Move in immediately, sell your previous home, and secure your new financing. NAF Cash provides a seamless transition into your new home.

The NAF Cash Process


1. What are homebuying contingencies?

Homebuying contingencies are conditions that must be met before a home purchase can proceed. They are included in the purchase agreement and allow the buyer or seller to back out of the contract without facing legal consequences if certain conditions are unmet. Common contingencies include home inspection, financing, and appraisal.

2. Why are all-cash offers more attractive to sellers?

All-cash offers are preferred by sellers because they remove many uncertainties associated with mortgage financing. They usually mean a quicker closing process, no risk of the deal falling through due to financing issues, and, often, a higher chance of the offer being accepted.

3. How can an all-cash offer give me an advantage as a buyer?

An all-cash offer makes your bid more attractive to sellers, as it is less likely to fall through and usually means a quicker closing process. This can be especially advantageous in a competitive market with multiple offers on a property.

Level-Up Your Homebuying in Fort Collins

Buying a home in a competitive market requires a strategic approach. If you want to be among the buyers who purchase with a price adjustment and avoid paying over the asking price, presenting an all-cash offer is your best bet. With the backing of NAF Cash, your offer will be enticing, with no major contingencies to worry the seller, making the discount well worth it. NAF Cash is a well-kept secret in this competitive market, but now that you're aware of this service, you can take advantage of it to secure your dream home.

Ready to secure your dream home in Fort Collins? Don't let financial barriers deter you. Embark on the path to homeownership with NAF Cash today and turn your aspiration of owning a Fort Collins property into reality.

Family happily moves into their new home

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